Embata laticeps: a species with long and conspicuous foot with large spurs; whirling specimen; dorsoventral view. In contrast to Embata commensalis this species has no eyespots. (1). |
Embata laticeps: a species with very wide corona; whirling specimen; dorsoventral view. (1). |
Embata laticeps: crop of the above image. (1). |
Embata laticeps: two aspects of the corona frontal view. Upper: specimen from sample (1). Lower: specimen from sample (2). |
Embata laticeps: two images of the anterior part, dorsoventral view, different focus planes. Left: optical median section; the arrowheads mark some granular structures in the rostrum. Also visible are the retracted trochal disks (RTD). Between them the ??ducts of the retrocerebral organ?? are visible (asterisks). Br: brain; Tr: trophi. (1). Right image: rostrum with sensory cilia. |
Embata laticeps: left: rump and foot with two spurs with interspace; right: foot with 4 toes, ventral view (1) |
Embata laticeps: left: optical longitudinal transect of foot with rectractor muscles and adhesive glands with granulated content, focus plane on the ventral toes. Right: focus plane on the spurs and (tips of) dorsal toes. (2) |
Embata laticeps: three images of the ramate trophi with dental formula (DF): 2+1 / 2+1i; upper left: cephalic view; upper right: caudal view. Ramus length (RaL): 24µm. Lower image: somewhat unusual aspect: dorsoventral view of trophi showing the three-dimensionality of the structure: Ap: apophysis; Ma: manubrium; Ra: ramus; Un: unci. Images not to scale (2) |
Embata laticeps: swimming specimen from an aquarium with Java moos (Taxiphyllum barbieri) (excerpt from a video), showing the conspicuous wide corona (corona width (CW) vs. neck width (NW): > 2.4) with wide sulcus. Short head (head length (HL) < neck width). |
Embata laticeps: same specimen, swimming, lateral view, focus plane on the conspicuous dorsal antenna. (3) |
Sample (3) courtesy of W. Bettighofer, Austria, "www.protisten.de". |
Location (1): Düssel near Wuppertal-Schöller, NRW; Germany |
Habitat (1): detritus (1). (click image to enlarge >>>) |
Date (1): 26.03.2021 |
Location (2): Haselbecke (2), Felderbachtal, Hattingen, NRW, Germany, creek |
Habitat (2): sediment/ detritus in running water. |
Date (2): 26.06.2022 |
Location/ Habitat (3): aquarium with Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) |
Date (3): 27.03.2023 |